Tag: Chang Cheh

RIP, Lau Kar-Leung

Actor, director, writer and action choreographer Lau Kar-Leung has died. Most widely known as the director of 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Lau has an extensive filmography. He collaborated with director Chang Cheh and, in his own work, brought humor to and a singular action choreography to his own […]

Heroic Trio

Every April at the Gutter, the editors write about something outside their usual domains.  This month, Comics Editor Carol Borden writes about stars of action cinema. I like ladies of asskickery, women who can throw a punch or wield a sharp pointy weapon, preferably both. Since it’s April […]

RIP, Roy Ward Baker

Director and Hammer horror icon Roy Ward Baker has died at the age of 93. Baker directed Quatermass and the Pit,  The Vampire Lovers, which updated Sheridan LeFanu’s Carmilla for a more psychedelic and softcore age, and co-directed Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires with Shaw Bros. Chang […]