Tag: noir

10 Things I Liked in 2023

It is time once again for the end of year lists. When people share the best in film, television, games, comics, and basically all things. I am still terrible at this. So I offer instead an unranked, alphabetical list of some of the things I liked and a […]

“Noir by Gaslight”

At the Criterion blog, Farran Nehme Smith writes about noir, defining noir, and curating Criterion’s “Noir by Gaslight” series. “Recently on the Criterion Channel, I’ve been given the chance to program a collection of films that challenge and complicate the idea of what classic noir is. All are period […]

“Noir on the Range”

At the Criterion blog, Imogen Sara Smith writes about Noir Westerns. “Westerns cover a lot of territory. Dramatizing the most romantic of American myths, they also give form to the darkest inversions of those myths. The genre that celebrated rugged pioneer values and civilization’s conquest of the wilderness […]