Tag: RPGs

Hero Factory

Yes, the Hero Factory is holding out for a hero in more than midi form. Choose your outfits. Female heroes have more hair options. Male heroes have more noses. Just like creating a character in a videogame, but without the pesky missions. (Thanks, ‘Col!)

An Ultima Gift

Origin Museum director, Joe Garrity, writes the Artful Gamer about building Richard “Lord British” Garriott an Ultima reagent box:  “The Reagent Box ended up to be a 2-year effort in finding the individual reagents and binding each to a velvet base with brass wire, presenting them with a […]

“A Book’s Natural Fate”

So you’ve written a book that fits the current vogue perfectly – let’s say it’s a grimy cyberpunk novel in the mid-1980s – does that mean you’ve guaranteed long-lasting fame for yourself? Probably not. But don’t worry, a lot of your compatriots are suffering the same fate. Oh, […]

The Long Road Back to Gaming

For the last nine months, I considered myself a non-gamer. Not a reformed gamer, mind you, but someone who just hasn’t had the time to dedicate to playing games or keeping up with the industry. I had been adapting to the life of a new parent; I had […]