Tag: writing

(Some of) The Women Who Wrote Hitchcock

This year for Switcheroo Month I thought I would doubly switch things up by writing about something reputable–the films of Alfred Hitchcock–and something I would not usually write about–the films of Alfred Hitchock. Hitchcock is a filmmaker I struggle with. I recognize the quality of his work. I […]

“How Queer is Frankenstein?”

Ruth Franklin writes about Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, childbirth, Queerness and new novels that address them all. “Perhaps this is why the “Frankenstein” story continues to haunt us. If, as parents, we are Victor Frankenstein, then as children we are all his creature. Or, perhaps better, the creature is […]

“Hollywood’s Slo-Mo Self-Sabotage”

At The New Yorker, Inkoo Kang writes about turbulence in Hollywood. “To survey the film and television industry today is to witness multiple existential crises. Many of them point to a larger trend: of Hollywood divesting from its own future, making dodgy decisions in the short term that […]