2 replies »

  1. Thank you for the very kind mention! I am getting mail from Facebook users all over the world today. Most wonder “are you really creepy?” I guess I should preserve a little mystery about that for them 🙂 Any credit for the effectiveness of http://www.takethislollipop.com is due to the director Jason Zada, whose vision I am proud to be a small part of. And btw it creeped ME out, too!


  2. You are very welcome. In order to preserve your mystique, I won’t add that after our few interactions, I figured you were probably just very intent on deciding what kind of baked good each fan would prefer and personally delivering it to them 🙂

    And, really, I can’t imagine much creepier than being stalked by yourself.

    (I’ve added Jason Zada to the tags, thanks!)


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