Tag: Bollywood

Exorcist-ish: Jadu Tona

Halfway through my rewatch of Jadu Tona (Black Magic, 1977), I said to my cat, who was also most definitely watching it with me since it has a kitty on some of its promotional material and was not just curled up on the sofa for no other reason, […]

Filmi Ladies: Catching Up!

At Filmi Ladies Podcast, Pitu Sultan and the Gutter’s own Beth Watkins catch up on what they’ve been watching! “Did you know there’s no ketchup emoji?!? Beth didn’t until she went looking for it to put in this episode title, but a can of soup will do nicely, […]

Filmi Ladies: SHASHI KAPOOR!

At Filmi Ladies Podcast, Pitu Sultan and the Gutter’s own Beth Watkins continue their series on the Kapoor film dynasty with a look at the legendary Shashi Kapoor! “This is our longest episode yet, and it had to be in order to give this often underappreciated Kapoor the […]

Film Ladies: The Kapoors: Shammi!

At Filmi Ladies Podcast, Pitu Sultan and the Gutter’s own Beth Watkins continue their look at the Kapoor film dynasty with an episode devoted to Shammi Kapoor: “We discuss the second son of Prithviraj Kapoor–Shammi, a giant superstar who brought flamboyance, giddy delight and uninhibited, joyous dancing to […]