Tag: Jennifer Crusie

10 Things I Liked in 2023

It is time once again for the end of year lists. When people share the best in film, television, games, comics, and basically all things. I am still terrible at this. So I offer instead an unranked, alphabetical list of some of the things I liked and a […]

Powers That Be

By some strange quirk of timing and location, I am currently involved in or gearing up for three different elections at once.  On the federal front it’s just a by-election to fill a recently vacated seat: it is the least visible and strident of the three. The provincial […]

And They Call It Puppy Love

I own several shares of a cat. It’s not a weird as it sounds. A friend with a cat travels travels a lot, so the kitty spends a fair amount of time with me. She’s spending this week with me in fact, while her owner is off swimming, running, and […]