
Filmi Ladies: The Kapoors: Prithviraj

New at Filmi Ladies Podcast, Pitu Sultan and the Gutter’s own Beth Watkins start a series dedicated to India’s acting dynasty, the Kapoors, with a look at the dynasty’s founder, Prithviraj: “Today we’re launching a new series on the first family of Hindi cinema: THE KAPOORS! Founding great-granddaddy Prithviraj (1906–1972) has an incredibly filmi beginning: once plucked from a line of extras by a heroine for his sizzling looks, he never looked back. He bridged the transition from silent films to talkies, became a superstar, managed an entire second career as the head of a traveling theater troupe, and was part of a network of industry figures whose names we still know today. To get a better understanding of his stardom, we focus on Vidyapati (1937, made by Calcutta’s New Theatres), Sikandar (1941), and Kal Aaj aur Kal (1971). Yes, there’s a 30-year gap in there—and Mughal-e-Azam is not on the list because we both find it a dreadful slog—but never fear, we talk about his transition into the pater familias for the ages.”

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